Introducing Korean Folk Story books

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Introducing Korean Folk Story books
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The wisdom and inspiration of old stories through Korean folk story

Korean folk story are stories that have been deeply embedded in the hearts of Koreans for many years. The new book, ‘Korean Folk Story,’ is not just a collection of old stories, but a precious heritage that contains our culture and values. This book contains eight folk story that Koreans have probably heard of at least once, including the myth of Dangun, the beanstalk rat, and Heungbujeon.

Diverse stories and their lessons

The stories in the book cover different time periods and characters, but they all share a common moral. For example, the Dangun myth explains the origins of the Korean people and shows humans living in harmony with nature. The Beanstalk Rat conveys the classic lesson that good people are rewarded in the end, while the Gambler and the Gambler convey the message that greed will eventually bring harm.

The modern value of Korean folk story

In the modern world, folk stories still hold great value. They are not just stories from the past, but they teach people important life wisdom. Not only children but also adults can learn traditional values and lessons from these books. In particular, this edition of ‘Korean Folk Story’ has been reinterpreted in a concise and modern style, making it easy to read and enjoy for all generations.

Bringing tradition into the modern age

‘Korean Folk Story’ plays an important role in bringing traditional values and lessons back to modern readers. As you read them, you will realise how deeply wise and moving the stories of our ancestors are. They can capture the imagination of children and bring back memories and lessons for adults.

Where to buy and publication information

‘Korean Folk Story’ is published by “(Thothbooks)” and is unfortunately not available in Korean.
It has been translated into many languages, including English, and can be found through the following links.

USA Flag English – Korean Folk Story: Every Korean knows
China Flag Tiwan Flag Chinese – 韓國民俗故事: 每个韩国人都知道 (Traditional Chinese Edition)
Japan Flag Japanese – 韓国の民話 eBook : Thoth: Kindle Store
France Flag French – Contes Populaires Coréens: Tous les Coréens
Spain Flag Spanish – Cuento popular coreano: Todo coreano sabe eBook
Italy Flag Italian – Racconti Popolari Coreani: Ogni coreano sa che eBook
Germany Flag German – Koreanische Volksmärchen: Jeder Koreaner weiß eBook
Portugal Flag Brazil Flag Portuguese –Contos Populares Coreanos: Todos os coreanos sabem: eBooks
Sweden Flag Swedish – Koreansk folksaga: Alla koreaner vet (Swedish Edition)
Saudi Arabia Flag Arabic (coming soon)
India Flag Hindi (coming soon)

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